Travel Directions
Tronsvangen Seter lies in Alvdal which is a municipality in Hedmark county in Norway.
It is part of the traditional region of Østerdalen.
You can reach Tronsvangen Seter by Train or by Car.
By Train
There are trains from Oslo and other major cities direct to Alvdal station.
Tronsvangen Seter is a few minutes drive from the Alvdal Train Station. You can either arrange a Taxi or call us for pick-up arrangements.
By Car
Alvdal is about 300 kilometers away from Oslo and it takes about 4 hours to drive. Its on the Riksvei 3 (National Highway 3) on the way to Tynset.
Take the E6 from Oslo and join on to the Riksvei 3 towards Tynset.
Use Google maps to calculate your route to Alvdal.
Tronsvangen Seter
Tronsvanglia 238
2560 Alvdal
Phone: +47 480 25 272
Tronsvangen Seter Drift AS
Sparebanken Hedmark
Acc. No: 1822 58 84133
IBAN: NO9018225884133